In one year we will be in the same situation like Ruthie,AJ,Erika and the others.We will have our A-levels.The school is finally over.The most of us will go to an university, perhaps in an other country and we will never see them.How do you feel about it?

Do you feel sorry with Erika after the fight in chapter 35?

Donnerstag, 4. Oktober 2007

question to the author

I ask me, if you are interested in writing a continuatin of the novel like we do. It would be interesting to know what happens with the main characters and which problems they have 10 years later.
Do you think that our continuations are realistics?

1 Kommentar:

Unknown hat gesagt…

Hi Sabrina! I wanted to answer your question about whether or not I would continue the story of these characters. Unfortunately, once a book is done, I feel that it no longer "belongs" to me. I've sent it out into the world to survive on its own. But I'm also the kind of person who always wants to know what happens after a story is over, so I enjoyed reading all of your continuations! Coming of Age was the 1st book I had published, and for me, getting published was very strange. Before that, writing had been a very private act for me. It was the way I expressed my feelings. Then once the book came out, my writing was "public." People comment on the story, study it in school, and develop their own thoughts and feelings about it. I wrote this book when I was 18. When I look at it now, I get a glimpse of how the world looked through my eyes when I was 18. I'm a "grown up" now, and I teach English literature in high school in Atlanta, GA!

Thanks for writing! Lorri Hewett